Thursday, October 06, 2005

Blogging Emo

If you want to share in the emotional port-a-potty of the internet, you might want to check out group hug. It is a mixture between confessional and something else that I can't put my finger on. It should be applauded for it's ability to allow us to all spill our guts and not feel nervous about recognition. However, it does tend to not be family friendly. Or, for that matter, friendly to anyone who is offended by things that aren't pretty or happy. There are no Care Bears here people.

The styles used are from proper to E.E. Cummings-type and yet the styles also add their own part to the unleashed feel of the site. As a blog it's not really all that good of an example other than the fact that there are regular postings, they seem to follow a loose theme of confession, and they don't really allow a one-on-one conversation that would lead us to classify it as a forum (though one of those exists at the site too).

Posted by Ben at 10/06/2005 12:11:00 AM


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